iSAM: Incremental Smoothing and MappingΒΆ

GTSAM provides an incremental inference algorithm based on a more advanced graphical model, the Bayes tree, which is kept up to date by the iSAM algorithm (incremental Smoothing and Mapping, see Kaess et al. (2008); Kaess et al. (2012) for an in-depth treatment). For mobile robots operating in real-time it is important to have access to an updated map as soon as new sensor measurements come in. iSAM keeps the map up-to-date in an efficient manner.

Listing 7 shows how to use iSAM in a simple visual SLAM example. In line 1-2 we create a *NonlinearISAM* object which will relinearize and reorder the variables every 3 steps. The corect value for this parameter depends on how non-linear your problem is and how close you want to be to gold-standard solution at every step. In iSAM 2.0, this parameter is not needed, as iSAM2 automatically determines when linearization is needed and for which variables.

The example involves eight 3D points that are seen from eight successive camera poses. Hence in the first step -which is omitted here- all eight landmarks and the first pose are properly initialized. In the code this is done by perturbing the known ground truth, but in a real application great care is needed to properly initialize poses and landmarks, especially in a monocular sequence.

int relinearizeInterval = 3;
NonlinearISAM isam(relinearizeInterval);

// ... first frame initialization omitted ...

// Loop over the different poses, adding the observations to iSAM
for (size_t i = 1; i < poses.size(); ++i) {

  // Add factors for each landmark observation
  NonlinearFactorGraph graph;
  for (size_t j = 0; j < points.size(); ++j) {
      GenericProjectionFactor<Pose3, Point3, Cal3_S2>
        (z[i][j], noise,Symbol('x', i), Symbol('l', j), K)

  // Add an initial guess for the current pose
  Values initialEstimate;
  initialEstimate.insert(Symbol('x', i), initial_x[i]);

  // Update iSAM with the new factors
  isam.update(graph, initialEstimate);

The remainder of the code illustrates a typical iSAM loop:

  1. Create factors for new measurements. Here, in lines 9-18, a small *NonlinearFactorGraph* is created to hold the new factors of type *GenericProjectionFactor<Pose3, Point3, Cal3_S2>*.
  2. Create an initial estimate for all newly introduced variables. In this small example, all landmarks have been observed in frame 1 and hence the only new variable that needs to be initialized at each time step is the new pose. This is done in lines 20-22. Note we assume a good initial estimate is available as initial_x[i].
  3. Finally, we call isam.update(), which takes the factors and initial estimates, and incrementally updates the solution, which is available through the method isam.estimate(), if desired.