Structure from Motion

|image: 16\_Users\_dellaert\_git\_github\_doc\_images\_cube.png| Figure 14: An optimized “Structure from Motion” with 10 cameras arranged in a circle, observing the 8 vertices of a \(20 \times 20 \times 20\) cube centered around the origin. The camera is rendered with color-coded axes, (RGB for XYZ) and the viewing direction is is along the positive Z-axis. Also shown are the 3D error covariance ellipses for both cameras and points.

Structure from Motion (SFM) is a technique to recover a 3D reconstruction of the environment from corresponding visual features in a collection of unordered images, see Figure 14. In GTSAM this is done using exactly the same factor graph framework, simply using SFM-specific measurement factors. In particular, there is a projection factor that calculates the reprojection error \(f\left( {x_{i},p_{j};z_{ij},K} \right)\) for a given camera pose \(x_{i}\) (a *Pose3*) and point \(p_{j}\) (a *Point3*). The factor is parameterized by the 2D measurement \(z_{ij}\) (a *Point2*), and known calibration parameters \(K\) (of type *Cal3_S2*). The following listing shows how to create the factor graph:

%% Add factors for all measurements
noise = noiseModel.Isotropic.Sigma(2, measurementNoiseSigma);
for i = 1:length(Z),
    for k = 1:length(Z{i})
        j = J{i}{k};
              Z{i}{k}, noise, symbol('x', i), symbol('p', j), K));

In Listing 6, assuming that the factor graph was already created, we add measurement factors in the double loop. We loop over images with index \(i\), and in this example the data is given as two cell arrays: Z{i} specifies a set of measurements \(z_{k}\) in image \(i\), and J{i} specifies the corresponding point index. The specific factor type we use is a *GenericProjectionFactorCal3_S2*, which is the MATLAB equivalent of the C++ class *GenericProjectionFactor<Cal3_S2>*, where *Cal3_S2* is the camera calibration type we choose to use (the standard, no-radial distortion, 5 parameter calibration matrix). As before landmark-based SLAM (Section 5), here we use symbol keys except we now use the character ‘p’ to denote points, rather than ‘l’ for landmark.

Important note: a very tricky and difficult part of making SFM work is (a) data association, and (b) initialization. GTSAM does neither of these things for you: it simply provides the “bundle adjustment” optimization. In the example, we simply assume the data association is known (it is encoded in the J sets), and we initialize with the ground truth, as the intent of the example is simply to show you how to set up the optimization problem.