GTSAM  4.0.2
C++ library for smoothing and mapping (SAM)
Public Types | Protected Types | Protected Attributes | List of all members
gtsam::VectorValues Class Reference

#include <VectorValues.h>

Collaboration diagram for gtsam::VectorValues:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

typedef Values::iterator iterator
 Iterator over vector values.
typedef Values::const_iterator const_iterator
 Const iterator over vector values.
typedef std::shared_ptr< Thisshared_ptr
 shared_ptr to this class
typedef Values::value_type value_type
 Typedef to pair<Key, Vector>
typedef value_type KeyValuePair
 Typedef to pair<Key, Vector>
typedef std::map< Key, size_t > Dims
 Keyed vector dimensions.

Public Member Functions

Advanced Interface
Vector vector () const
template<typename CONTAINER >
Vector vector (const CONTAINER &keys) const
Vector vector (const Dims &dims) const
void swap (VectorValues &other)
bool hasSameStructure (const VectorValues other) const
Wrapper support
std::string html (const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const
 Output as a html table. More...

Protected Types

typedef VectorValues This
typedef ConcurrentMap< Key, Vector > Values
 Collection of Vectors making up a VectorValues.

Protected Attributes

Values values_
 Vectors making up this VectorValues.

Standard Constructors

 VectorValues ()
 Default constructor creates an empty VectorValues.
 VectorValues (std::initializer_list< std::pair< Key, Vector >> init)
 Construct from initializer list.
 VectorValues (const VectorValues &first, const VectorValues &second)
template<class CONTAINER >
 VectorValues (const CONTAINER &c)
 VectorValues (const VectorValues &c)
template<typename ITERATOR >
 VectorValues (ITERATOR first, ITERATOR last)
 VectorValues (const Vector &c, const Dims &dims)
 Constructor from Vector, with Dims.
 VectorValues (const Vector &c, const Scatter &scatter)
 Constructor from Vector, with Scatter.
static VectorValues Zero (const VectorValues &other)

Standard Interface

size_t size () const
size_t dim (Key j) const
bool exists (Key j) const
Vector & at (Key j)
const Vector & at (Key j) const
Vector & operator[] (Key j)
const Vector & operator[] (Key j) const
VectorValuesupdate (const VectorValues &values)
iterator insert (const std::pair< Key, Vector > &key_value)
template<class... Args>
std::pair< VectorValues::iterator, bool > emplace (Key j, Args &&... args)
iterator insert (Key j, const Vector &value)
VectorValuesinsert (const VectorValues &values)
std::pair< iterator, bool > tryInsert (Key j, const Vector &value)
void insert_or_assign (Key j, const Vector &value)
void erase (Key var)
void setZero ()
iterator begin ()
 Iterator over variables.
const_iterator begin () const
 Iterator over variables.
iterator end ()
 Iterator over variables.
const_iterator end () const
 Iterator over variables.
iterator find (Key j)
const_iterator find (Key j) const
void print (const std::string &str="VectorValues", const KeyFormatter &formatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const
bool equals (const VectorValues &x, double tol=1e-9) const
GTSAM_EXPORT friend std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const VectorValues &)
 overload operator << to print to stringstream

Linear algebra operations

double dot (const VectorValues &v) const
double norm () const
double squaredNorm () const
VectorValues operator+ (const VectorValues &c) const
VectorValues add (const VectorValues &c) const
VectorValuesoperator+= (const VectorValues &c)
VectorValuesaddInPlace (const VectorValues &c)
VectorValuesaddInPlace_ (const VectorValues &c)
VectorValues operator- (const VectorValues &c) const
VectorValues subtract (const VectorValues &c) const
VectorValues scale (const double a) const
VectorValuesoperator*= (double alpha)
VectorValuesscaleInPlace (double alpha)
GTSAM_EXPORT VectorValues operator* (const double a, const VectorValues &v)

Detailed Description

VectorValues represents a collection of vector-valued variables associated each with a unique integer index. It is typically used to store the variables of a GaussianFactorGraph. Optimizing a GaussianFactorGraph or GaussianBayesNet returns this class.

For basic usage, such as receiving a linear solution from gtsam solving functions, or creating this class in unit tests and examples where speed is not important, you can use a simple interface:


VectorValues values;
values.emplace(3, Vector3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0));
values.emplace(4, Vector2(4.0, 5.0));
values.emplace(0, (Vector(4) << 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0).finished());
// Prints [ 3.0 4.0 ]
// Prints [ 8.0 9.0 ]
values[1] = Vector2(8.0, 9.0);

Advanced Interface and Performance Information

Access is through the variable Key j, and returns a SubVector, which is a view on the underlying data structure.

This class is additionally used in gradient descent and dog leg to store the gradient.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VectorValues() [1/4]

gtsam::VectorValues::VectorValues ( const VectorValues first,
const VectorValues second 

Merge two VectorValues into one, this is more efficient than inserting elements one by one.

◆ VectorValues() [2/4]

template<class CONTAINER >
gtsam::VectorValues::VectorValues ( const CONTAINER &  c)

Create from another container holding pair<Key,Vector>.

◆ VectorValues() [3/4]

gtsam::VectorValues::VectorValues ( const VectorValues c)

Implicit copy constructor to specialize the explicit constructor from any container.

◆ VectorValues() [4/4]

template<typename ITERATOR >
gtsam::VectorValues::VectorValues ( ITERATOR  first,

Create from a pair of iterators over pair<Key,Vector>.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add()

VectorValues gtsam::VectorValues::add ( const VectorValues c) const

Element-wise addition, synonym for operator+(). Both VectorValues must have the same structure (checked when NDEBUG is not defined).

◆ addInPlace()

VectorValues& gtsam::VectorValues::addInPlace ( const VectorValues c)

Element-wise addition in-place, synonym for operator+=(). Both VectorValues must have the same structure (checked when NDEBUG is not defined).

◆ addInPlace_()

VectorValues& gtsam::VectorValues::addInPlace_ ( const VectorValues c)

Element-wise addition in-place, but allows for empty slots in *this. Slower

◆ at() [1/2]

Vector& gtsam::VectorValues::at ( Key  j)

Read/write access to the vector value with key j, throws std::out_of_range if j does not exist, identical to operator[](Key).

◆ at() [2/2]

const Vector& gtsam::VectorValues::at ( Key  j) const

Access the vector value with key j (const version), throws std::out_of_range if j does not exist, identical to operator[](Key).

◆ dim()

size_t gtsam::VectorValues::dim ( Key  j) const

Return the dimension of variable j.

◆ dot()

double gtsam::VectorValues::dot ( const VectorValues v) const

Dot product with another VectorValues, interpreting both as vectors of their concatenated values. Both VectorValues must have the same structure (checked when NDEBUG is not defined).

◆ emplace()

template<class... Args>
std::pair<VectorValues::iterator, bool> gtsam::VectorValues::emplace ( Key  j,
Args &&...  args 

Emplace a vector value with key j. Throws an invalid_argument exception if the key j is already used.

valueThe vector to be inserted.
jThe index with which the value will be associated.

◆ equals()

bool gtsam::VectorValues::equals ( const VectorValues x,
double  tol = 1e-9 
) const

equals required by Testable for unit testing

◆ erase()

void gtsam::VectorValues::erase ( Key  var)

Erase the vector with the given key, or throw std::out_of_range if it does not exist

◆ exists()

bool gtsam::VectorValues::exists ( Key  j) const

Check whether a variable with key j exists.

◆ find() [1/2]

iterator gtsam::VectorValues::find ( Key  j)

Return the iterator corresponding to the requested key, or end() if no variable is present with this key.

◆ find() [2/2]

const_iterator gtsam::VectorValues::find ( Key  j) const

Return the iterator corresponding to the requested key, or end() if no variable is present with this key.

◆ hasSameStructure()

bool gtsam::VectorValues::hasSameStructure ( const VectorValues  other) const

Check if this VectorValues has the same structure (keys and dimensions) as another

◆ html()

std::string gtsam::VectorValues::html ( const KeyFormatter keyFormatter = DefaultKeyFormatter) const

Output as a html table.

keyFormatterfunction that formats keys.

◆ insert() [1/3]

iterator gtsam::VectorValues::insert ( const std::pair< Key, Vector > &  key_value)

Insert a vector value with key j. Throws an invalid_argument exception if the key j is already used.

valueThe vector to be inserted.
jThe index with which the value will be associated.

◆ insert() [2/3]

iterator gtsam::VectorValues::insert ( Key  j,
const Vector &  value 

Insert a vector value with key j. Throws an invalid_argument exception if the key j is already used.

valueThe vector to be inserted.
jThe index with which the value will be associated.

◆ insert() [3/3]

VectorValues& gtsam::VectorValues::insert ( const VectorValues values)

Insert all values from values. Throws an invalid_argument exception if any keys to be inserted are already used.

◆ insert_or_assign()

void gtsam::VectorValues::insert_or_assign ( Key  j,
const Vector &  value 

insert_or_assign that mimics the STL map insert_or_assign - if the value already exists, the map is updated, otherwise a new value is inserted at j.

◆ norm()

double gtsam::VectorValues::norm ( ) const

Vector L2 norm

◆ operator*=()

VectorValues& gtsam::VectorValues::operator*= ( double  alpha)

Element-wise scaling by a constant in-place.

◆ operator+()

VectorValues gtsam::VectorValues::operator+ ( const VectorValues c) const

Element-wise addition, synonym for add(). Both VectorValues must have the same structure (checked when NDEBUG is not defined).

◆ operator+=()

VectorValues& gtsam::VectorValues::operator+= ( const VectorValues c)

Element-wise addition in-place, synonym for operator+=(). Both VectorValues must have the same structure (checked when NDEBUG is not defined).

◆ operator-()

VectorValues gtsam::VectorValues::operator- ( const VectorValues c) const

Element-wise subtraction, synonym for subtract(). Both VectorValues must have the same structure (checked when NDEBUG is not defined).

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

Vector& gtsam::VectorValues::operator[] ( Key  j)

Read/write access to the vector value with key j, throws std::out_of_range if j does not exist, identical to at(Key).

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

const Vector& gtsam::VectorValues::operator[] ( Key  j) const

Access the vector value with key j (const version), throws std::out_of_range if j does not exist, identical to at(Key).

◆ print()

void gtsam::VectorValues::print ( const std::string &  str = "VectorValues",
const KeyFormatter formatter = DefaultKeyFormatter 
) const

print required by Testable for unit testing

◆ scale()

VectorValues gtsam::VectorValues::scale ( const double  a) const

Element-wise scaling by a constant.

◆ scaleInPlace()

VectorValues& gtsam::VectorValues::scaleInPlace ( double  alpha)

Element-wise scaling by a constant in-place.

◆ setZero()

void gtsam::VectorValues::setZero ( )

Set all values to zero vectors.

◆ size()

size_t gtsam::VectorValues::size ( ) const

Number of variables stored.

◆ squaredNorm()

double gtsam::VectorValues::squaredNorm ( ) const

Squared vector L2 norm

◆ subtract()

VectorValues gtsam::VectorValues::subtract ( const VectorValues c) const

Element-wise subtraction, synonym for operator-(). Both VectorValues must have the same structure (checked when NDEBUG is not defined).

◆ swap()

void gtsam::VectorValues::swap ( VectorValues other)

Swap the data in this VectorValues with another.

◆ tryInsert()

std::pair<iterator, bool> gtsam::VectorValues::tryInsert ( Key  j,
const Vector &  value 

insert that mimics the STL map insert - if the value already exists, the map is not modified and an iterator to the existing value is returned, along with 'false'. If the value did not exist, it is inserted and an iterator pointing to the new element, along with 'true', is returned.

◆ update()

VectorValues& gtsam::VectorValues::update ( const VectorValues values)

For all key/value pairs in values, replace values with corresponding keys in this class with those in values. Throws std::out_of_range if any keys in values are not present in this class.

◆ vector() [1/3]

Vector gtsam::VectorValues::vector ( ) const

Retrieve the entire solution as a single vector

◆ vector() [2/3]

template<typename CONTAINER >
Vector gtsam::VectorValues::vector ( const CONTAINER &  keys) const

Access a vector that is a subset of relevant keys.

◆ vector() [3/3]

Vector gtsam::VectorValues::vector ( const Dims dims) const

Access a vector that is a subset of relevant keys, dims version.

◆ Zero()

static VectorValues gtsam::VectorValues::Zero ( const VectorValues other)

Create a VectorValues with the same structure as other, but filled with zeros.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator*

GTSAM_EXPORT VectorValues operator* ( const double  a,
const VectorValues v 

Element-wise scaling by a constant.

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