GTSAM  4.0.2
C++ library for smoothing and mapping (SAM)
base Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for base:



file  cholesky.h [code]
 Efficient incomplete Cholesky on rank-deficient matrices, todo: constrained Cholesky.
file  debug.h [code]
 Global debugging flags.
file  DSFMap.h [code]
 Allow for arbitrary type in DSF.
file  DSFVector.h [code]
 A faster implementation for DSF, which uses vector rather than btree.
file  FastDefaultAllocator.h [code]
 An easy way to control which allocator is used for Fast* collections.
file  FastList.h [code]
 A thin wrapper around std::list that uses boost's fast_pool_allocator.
file  FastMap.h [code]
 A thin wrapper around std::map that uses boost's fast_pool_allocator.
file  FastSet.h [code]
 A thin wrapper around std::set that uses boost's fast_pool_allocator.
file  FastVector.h [code]
 A thin wrapper around std::vector that uses a custom allocator.
file  Group.h [code]
 Concept check class for variable types with Group properties.
file  kruskal-inl.h [code]
file  kruskal.h [code]
file  Lie.h [code]
 Base class and basic functions for Lie types.
file  lieProxies.h [code]
 Provides convenient mappings of common member functions for testing.
file  make_shared.h [code]
 make_shared trampoline function to ensure proper alignment
file  Manifold.h [code]
 Base class and basic functions for Manifold types.
file  Matrix.h [code]
 typedef and functions to augment Eigen's MatrixXd
file  MatrixSerialization.h [code]
 Serialization for matrices.
file  numericalDerivative.h [code]
 Some functions to compute numerical derivatives.
file  OptionalJacobian.h [code]
 Special class for optional Jacobian arguments.
file  ProductLieGroup.h [code]
 Group product of two Lie Groups.
file  serializationTestHelpers.h [code]
file  SymmetricBlockMatrix.h [code]
 Access to matrices via blocks of pre-defined sizes. Used in GaussianFactor and GaussianConditional.
file  Testable.h [code]
 Concept check for values that can be used in unit tests.
file  TestableAssertions.h [code]
 Provides additional testing facilities for common data structures.
file  timing.h [code]
 Timing utilities.
file  treeTraversal-inst.h [code]
file  types.h [code]
 Typedefs for easier changing of types.
file  Value.h [code]
 The base class for any variable that can be optimized or used in a factor.
file  Vector.h [code]
 typedef and functions to augment Eigen's VectorXd
file  VectorSerialization.h [code]
 serialization for Vectors
file  VerticalBlockMatrix.h [code]
 A matrix with column blocks of pre-defined sizes. Used in JacobianFactor and GaussianConditional.
file  WeightedSampler.h [code]
 Fast sampling without replacement.